Yarn: Hana from Artfibers, colour #18, a little over 4 balls
Pattern: A cowl neck tank top that the Artfibers staff printed for me. They have some computer software that can spit out patterns tailored specifically for your body measurements. I think the designs are pre-set, but it's still pretty cool.
Time: I started this last August and finished darning the ends this evening. I stopped working on it for about four months, and I worked on other things at the same time, so I have no idea how long it actually took me.
Random statistic
Resident cats who want more foliage in their diets: One. He's shunning the sunflowers though. I'll have to ask the florist what kind the other ones are.

I'm coming up with a brilliant idea, now that you'll be on the west coast. A weekend meetup at Artfibers, anyone? It's just about halfway . . .
It looks really great! I hope to see you wearing it one of these days. It's definitely going to be tank-top weather this weekend!
Our cats love floral arrangements too.
The top looks great. I like the drapey-ness of the cowl neck.
The tank top looks so great -- it's cool that they can tailor it to your measurements for you!
Your kitty is munching on alstroemeria (sp?) also called peruvian lily I think. I know some lilies are poisonous to cats, so you might want to keep an eye on him. :)
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