Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!

I haven't made any official resolutions yet, but probably destashing, exercising more, and being less crabby should be somewhere on the list.

I finished the Hourglass Sweater!

Next up: a hat for my dad, and finally finishing the Bayerische socks. Hell, at this point I'd be satisfied with finishing just one sock, sticking it on a sock blocker, and hanging it on the wall.

Sometimes they manage to get along.

Melon tried to pass himself off as recyclable the other day.

It snowed a lot. We discovered the joys of studded tires. I walked around Green Lake.

The snow melted. The tires sounded like they were covered with tiny suction cups. We walked around Green Lake some more. Damn, that place is photogenic.

I mucked around with Photoshop.


Rachel said...

Ooh, nice Photoshop mucking! Matt and I gave each other Photoshop this year for Chrismakkah. I hope we ever have time to use it.

Happy New Year!

knitseashore said...

Happy New Year! The sweater looks great! Are you happy with the fit? I'd like to try it sometime myself.

Melon looks perfectly contented supervising your recycling efforts.